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Black letters pour out from blank pages of a book on a white table, education and dyslexia

Specialised Dyslexia Tuition

20 per cent of children are Dyslexic. This means that in every classroom, around 6 children are finding it difficult to read, write or spell. Learners with Dyslexia may also have difficulties with setting out their work neatly; remembering their teacher's instructions; packing their school bag every day or understanding how to read the time on a traditional clock. 

Dyslexic children are often creative learners with an excellent grasp of the big picture and innovative problem solvers. They don't have a learning disability- they have a learning difference... 

Or to put it another way, people with Dyslexia are just wired differently!


How can I help?

Dyslexic children learn better if they have a structured program which addresses their needs. In the first few lessons, I will assess which areas of reading, writing and spelling your child finds difficult. This enables me to create a personalised plan for your child, taking into account the areas of the curriculum that they really enjoy too so that learning is fun and multi-sensory! I also teach children how to manage their Dyslexia using tools such as spellcheck and dictation apps- so that their creative ideas can flow freely.


Currently, I mainly teach children who are in Primary School. Every week, we will address a new sound or spelling rule and then practise reading, spelling and writing it using a variety of games and activities. I am happy to provide feedback at the end of each lesson for a few  minutes. This will be included within your hour's tuition time.


I welcome a collaborative approach with your child's class teacher and am happy to share both long and short term goals with them.

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