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What happens in a tutoring session?

Updated: Jan 30

Lots of children have questions when they very first begin tutoring with me. I've tried to answer a few of the most common ones here.

"Where will my tutoring take place?"

All tutoring takes place in my dining room. We have a lovely big table and lots of books to choose from.

If you would like to take a book home every week, then you are very welcome to!

We also have lots of games and other practical activities, as well as my laptop computer to play (educational!) games on.

"Will I have any homework?"

I'm glad that you asked! I'm not a big believer in homework generally, but I am going to ask you to do a bit of reading card practice every day with Mum or Dad. It should only take you 5 minutes and will really help you learn your letters and sounds.

If you are doing Maths tuition, then I will probably send you home with a game to play with Mum or Dad.

"Hmm, that sounds OK. What is a reading card?"

We make a new reading card for every new sound that you learn. I will help you choose a special word containing the sound, and then you can draw a picture to help you remember the word.

Every week, we will go through all reading cards right at the start of your lesson so that I can see if you have remembered them. If you are finding any of them tricky, then we will practise it another way- maybe by playing a game or getting some craft equipment out to help to strengthen your fingers and wrists a little.

"What other activities will I do?"

If you are doing Dyslexia tuition, then we'll do some reading and writing every week, as well as thinking about how to help with your spelling. We'll probably use a computer to play some games, as well as using word cards to play games too. If you need help with handwriting, then we'll do lots of little craft activities to help strengthen your fingers, as well as learning about how to form letters and practising making them the right size.

If you are doing Maths tuition, then we'll use equipment to find out about a Maths concept. This might be something specific that you are finding difficult, or it might be something that you are working on in school already. Once you understand the idea, then we'll use that skill to solve a few puzzles or problems and we'll look at how to write it down formally in a Maths book.

Generally, we finish all our lessons with a game and a chat about what we have learnt! If there's anything that you have found tricky, you'll let me know and then we'll practise it again the next week- but differently, to help you understand.

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