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GDPR, Photography and Privacy Policy

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force on March 25th 2018 and requires that all businesses issue a privacy statement to all clients and contacts, regarding the data held about the individual.


Christina Kearney is the 'controller' of your data.


What information is held

The information that I hold comes from you as the parent and your child as the student. On the registration form you complete, I ask for the following information:

  • Name

  • Age and school Year Group

  • Details of regular session booked

  • Phone numbers

  • Email addresses

  • School attended

  • Home address for correspondence

  • Exam board studies, where applicable

  • Anything else that the parent feels is important for tuition e.g. special educational needs, medical conditions etc

  • I also hold information about students' education including tracking progress, objectives and lesson plans, marked homework (where requested)


I only hold the data needed to provide the services that you engage me to provide. Contact information is used for scheduling, invoicing, record keeping and communicating my own services. Data will not be shared unless there is a legal obligation to do so. All reasonable steps are taken to ensure that your data is processed and stored securely. This information is usually stored as paper copies in a securely locked cabinet and also any files are stored on my password protected computer.  Names and email addresses are stored on my password protected computer and phone numbers are also stored on my pass-code protected phone.


Your Rights


You have the right to ask for all information held relating to you and your child to be deleted. Please note, however, that for child protection reasons, tuition cannot continue after information is deleted and that terms and conditions regarding cancellation remain the same. Unless a client has specifically asked for information to be destroyed, client details will be held on file for 2 months following the completion of tuition by the student. Financial data will be retained for 7 years for tax reasons. When the information is destroyed, all papers will be shredded to protect the client's identity and any data held in computer files will be either anonymised or permanently deleted. Emails/phone records will be permanently deleted.


Subject access requests

You have the right to see information being held relating to this tuition agreement.

If you wish to exercise this right, then you can do so by making an appointment to view the information at the beginning of your child's tuition lesson.




For child protection reasons, I communicate with you as the parent/guardian before tuition begins and ask for your consent to hold information on your child and permission to tutor. Communication regarding booking, invoices etc is via email and occasionally text message or phone call.


Data Breaches


The GDPR introduces a duty on all organisations to report certain types of data breach to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) and in some cases, to individuals. In the event of a data breach, I will notify the ICO of a breach where it is likely to result in a risk to rights and freedoms of an individual- if, for example, it could result in discrimination, damage to reputation, financial loss, loss of confidentiality or any other significant economic or social disadvantage.



It is assumed that on completing the registration form and tuition agreement, you consent to me holding the information on file about your child on file until 2 months after tuition with me ends. It is assumed that consent to communicate via Zoom/Skype or other online platforms is given by parents for this online tuition service.



From time to time I take photos of children's work and activities taking place. These may be published on my website and on social media. Children's faces are not shown in photographs and names will not be shown online either. Photographs will only be shared if permission is given by the student's parent/guardian.







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