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Learning Alphabets

English Tuition

What we offer

We currently offer 1:1 tuition for English, as well as small groups of friends (See our Tuition Buddies page for more details)


Many children just need a little extra help in Literacy, especially when they reach Key Stage 2. When children reach Year 3,  schools tend to assume that children will be ready to learn through reading instead of learning to read. The pace of learning increases dramatically, and some children benefit from a little 1:1 teaching in order to keep up with their peers.


Our English sessions are lively and fun, focusing on creativity in writing and enjoyment of reading as well as incorportaing the basics- decoding words and spelling. We have a variety of books here that we use for lessons, and children are welcome to borrow them to continue their reading at home if they wish!


Handwriting can often be an issue and we employ a range of strategies to help in this area. These include fine motor activities to strengthen hands and fingers; grouping letters in 'families' to help with letter formation and highlighting lines to aid with sizing and spacing of writing.

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